Monsieur Saruzaki

Item Numbertk003800
Item Name

Monsieur Saruzaki


68,570 yen




roughly φ210mm x H260mm


vintage toys, electronic circuits, etc.

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Time to delivery

about two weeks


Returns are not accepted.
Colors may differ slightly from photos.


Happy! Thrilling! AN EPOCH!

What a shocking affair.
It was a doorbell.

The duty imposed onto Mr. Saruzaki.
I won't repeat myself. He's a doorbell!

At the time I'm sure it was an average design. Now it is seems difficult to call it cute, but closer to a grotesque or real monkey. At the same time the vintage toy seems nostalgic and funny.

It could be a valuable rare item. The body may be made from reused milk cans, because if you look under the dress you can see the "Yukishijushi" logo. One piece at a time you can grasp the scene of the factory where it was built.

Well, the monkey will work beautifully with batteries, so why on earth is a cord coming out of its rear? If we look closely...

There's a surprising feature awaiting!
More than shocking it's: Happy! Thrilling! AN EPOCH!

If you look carefully, you can see repair marks from previous breakage.This within itself is a story with deep emotions. Despite this there's an idea awaiting so surprising you'll forget it completely.

A bit too intriguing, isn't it?
Aren't you looking forward to finding out?
Is it okay that such a funky bell exists?

The delight from finding the mechanism, the admiration of the idea, the surprise and excitement does not retreat even now.

This is it! The unexpected bell!!!!



From the front he's full of life, but behind there's a hint of sorrow


Saruzaki's dancing in front of a respectable nameplate. Impossible.


He makes this ill-tempered face too?? Kya!


From button to nameplate, a complete Saruzaki set.


The happening after the bell

I was so surprised to be surprised by a bell! There are still many surprises left in my life.

And then. All that which happened after the bell. I don't think anyone could hink of this one.

Alright, Saruzaki's performance has begun. "Hmmmmm? What is this curious sound?" It is a magical sound, just enough to fill the room invitingly.

It seems like the sort of sound you'd seek once a day.

It might become a horrible practice. Saruzaki could be attached to the phone ringer, a meeting buzzer, any place any time he might start moving, ringing. In a way, he is slightly inconvenient.

On the other hand, you might put your headphones on and turn to your computer. If you put him where you can see him, as Saruzaki starts moving you'll notice your guests. It isn't your average bell, it perfectly planned.

Even for people who normally don't have guests, it's a bit scary as Saruzaki is the kind of thing to change that. I'm sure some people's lives have been completely changed by him.

It is easy to imagine you are in a bustling office. Doesn't it seem like a good way to smooth a meeting otherwise filled with tension? The cymbals that brings peace to the entire office. Even when you are exhausted he'll cheer you up. You'll be the kind of staff that doesn't lose to layoffs!

11 seconds of work time, 11 times the cymbals come together.

You imagine in your heart, "You can do it Saruzaki!", as he finishes the last sound you are strangely relieved he made it through his performance. There is a slight sense that might he might become completely exhausted.

Depending on the environment I'm sure his working time will need to be changed. If you need to adjust the length, time it with a stopwatch and ask us.

We'd love if Saruzaki became your unrivaled greeter.

A thousand guests are welcome!
I'll take the doorbell dash on!
A salesman? But of course, come in!

You know, who knows how long he can be tolerated, but Saruzaki's sound and atmosphere will lighten your mood.

You will long for the doorbell to ring.


You'll love the tender fingers which extend from thick fur.


These mighty cymbals will signal your guests arrival.


Being a used toy, there are a few stains and a little discoloration.


Below his behind is a battery holder from days past.


Communication Tool

Saruzaki is in a world of his own, completing a sincere mission.

The creator is Shinozaki Ryuu. Mr. Shinozaki isn't a toy maker or collector, his works range from products to architecture.

But what about Saruzaki's repair and modification? It may seem a little amazing, but to Shinozaki it's apparently no big deal.

When the vintage toy first came into his possession, rather than think "restore it to its original features", it was only obvious to Shinozaki to add a new feature.

There is something deep about Mr. Shinozaki picking up Saruzaki, turning him in his hands, looking at how he works, then with the keyword communication tool in mind, suddenly imagining, "let's make a doorbell!"

You can tell when he had that thought it wasn't someone's opinion, but a sort of epithet. Saruzaki would completely change the atmosphere of the rooms equipped with your average doorbell, transforming a sound which had only existed as "ding dong" into something musical.

I see! The communication we take for granted has been changed completely! The toy that was collecting dust sitting in that box has been reborn as something which can connect people!

When I first met Mr. Shinozaki at an exhibition I was amazed by the variety of pieces, abundant ideas and design which made me think, did the same person do all this?

Mr. Shinozaki's site: > Asterisk Studio


His debut was in fall, 2007 at "prototypes"


Mr. Shinozaki's works. There are small pieces of interest (photo: Oota Takumi)


If you look closely, you're a bit scary.