Kim's Chandelier

Whoa! What the heck is this?!

The second I looked at it I felt like someone had twisted by brain with a corkscrew. As the chandelier spun slowly in air, my heart jumped for joy. My psyche was pushed, teetering at the edge of the deep end.

The source of my confusion, a stuffed toy chandelier: Dolls Chandelier.

Yes, it's simple. Things are as they seem: a chandelier and stuffed toys.

Who on earth thought of this combination? And then there's the visual impact of this strange assortment of discombobulated objects. You begin to wonder if this is its natural form, or?

Who, how and with what is this being made? Various wild ideas pop to mind, only to fade away and be replace by others...

My curiosity must be satisfied. Down the rabbit hole we go.

Item Numbertk001303
Item Name

Dolls Chandelier
Books Chandelier
Cans Chandelier


Dolls Chandelier:78,000 yen
Books Chandelier:278,000 yen
Cans Chandelier:278,000 yen


Dolls Chandelier is made to order
Books and Cans Chandelier is limited to 1 each


Dolls Chandelier:
W450mm x D450mm x H450mm
Books Chandelier:
W500mm x D500mm x H500mm
Cans Chandelier:
W500mm x D500mm x H600mm


Dolls Chandelier: dolls, wire, vinyl tape, string
Books Chandelier: books, candles, steel pipe, vinyl tape
Cans Chandelier: empty cans, bike spokes, crystal, man-made flowers

Payment Methods



Shipping costs will be emailed after order (all items ship from Japan)

Time to delivery

Four weeks


Returns are not accepted.
Colors may differ slightly from photos.
The Dolls Chandelier will be made on receipt of your order.


